Course Calendar

  1. 01 - Why am I here and where am I going?

    Jan 16
  2. 02 - How do I make a good decision?

    Jan 18
  3. 03 - How does technology shape the way we think?

    Jan 23
  4. 04 - How do I live well with technology?

    Jan 25
  5. 05 - What do I owe others?

    Jan 30
  6. 06 - How might scientific discoveries change our view of ourselves?

    Feb 01
  7. 07 - Do no harm?

    Feb 06
  8. 08 - How does technology rule us?

    Feb 08
  9. 09 - The Question Concerning Technology - Part 1

    Feb 13
  10. 10 - The Question Concerning Technology - Part 2

    Feb 15
  11. Speaker Emily Grubert

    11- What number is your life worth?

    Feb 20
  12. 12 - Is genealogical DNA testing democratizing or commercializing genetics?

    Feb 22
  13. Speaker Karla Badillo-Urquiola

    13 - Ethics of Open Source Data?

    Feb 27
  14. 14 - Blockchain and Bioethics

    Feb 29
  15. 15 - Is intelligence emergent?

    Mar 05
  16. 16 - Is personhood the only status worth moral consideration?

    Mar 07
  17. 17 - Should we trust algorithms to understand us?

    Mar 19
  18. 18 - Should we trust big tech to have our best interests in mind?

    Mar 21
  19. 19 - Man's Search for Meaning I - Why should we care about what we do?

    Mar 26
  20. 20 - Guest lecture on AI, Machine Learning, and Poverty

    Mar 28
  21. 21 - Man's Search for Meaning II - Does meaning have to come from work?

    Apr 02
  22. Speaker Louisa Conwill (CS Grad Student)

    22 - How might meaning show up in your career?

    Apr 04
  23. 23 - Why aren't you as ethical as you think you are?

    Apr 09
  24. Speaker Jeff Bishop

    24 - Why do we fail to fix our corrupted institutions?

    Apr 11
  25. 25 - The Productivity Paradox

    Apr 16
  26. 26 - What do we owe future generations?

    Apr 18
  27. 27 - Who Imagines the Future?

    Apr 23
  28. 28 - Transhumanism and War

    Apr 25
  29. 29 - [CANCELED] Technology, Ethics, and the Future

    Apr 30